STeP 2004 -- 20th Anniversary Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference -- 1-3 September 2004 --
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 Web Intelligence Symposium Program

Cognition and Cybernetics Symposium (Origin of Life)Program

 RoboCup Junior Tournament






STeP 2004 is succesfully over!

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The Finnish AI Society celebrates its STeP Conference series 20th Anniversary at the Finnish Science Centre Heureka at Vantaa Finland, 1-3 September 2004. The high-level conference consists of two Symposiums

1.9.2004  Symposium on Cognition and Cybernetics (Origin of Life).  

This symposium includes sessions on Cognition & Cybernetics, and Genetic Algorithms.

Keynote lectures are given on "Machine Consciousness" by Pentti Haikonen and on "Coordination of Intelligent Robots" by Nadir Ould Khessal.

Panel Discussion: "Origin of Life"

Chair Anto Leikola
  • Jarmo Alander
  • Heikki Hyotyniemi
  • Pekka Reinikainen
  • Jouko Seppanen
  • Symposium Home page:

    2 -3. 9. 2004 Web Intelligence Symposium

    The Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, World Wide Web Consortium W3C, XML Finland Association, Tekes Fenix-program , University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), and Finnish Science Centre Heureka invite all interested people from industry and academia to participate in Web Intelligence -day organized as part of STeP 2004. The seminar serves as a meeting point for all interest groups of AI.

    The symposium program has been published and registration opened at the symposium web site. Symposium language will be Finnish excluding the tutorial.

    2.9. 2004 Tutorial:  "Towards the semantic web" by Ivan Herman from W3C.


    30th August : Registration Payments Due!



    Conference Venue:




